Learn how to make natural homemade cleaning products using every day ingredients . Learn how to make your own , air fresheners, toilet cleaner, wood polish, general cleaner, laundry detergent, cleaning wipes, beeswax wraps, and much more, at a fraction of the cost, using only the finest of natural ingredients .
No more expensive chemical laden products harmful to our health and the waters of the world in one off plastic containers. A workshop to change the way you care for your families health and home. Everything that goes into our grey water system makes its way to our waterways and food source. Be the change and learn how to co create with nature effective cleaning products that work for you and our precious Earth. €15 , Booking essential phone Julí 0868337733
Duration 1 hour .
Cost € 20 a workshop, sample products to take home.
Location : The Yurt ???